D-Face Dental Aesthetics

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Our Team

Dr. Mohammed Faisal

Chief Dental Surgeon

Dr.Abdulla Mufeed

Oral Radiologist

Dr.Faheem Panakkal


Dr.Mohammed Sajeer

Maxillofacial Surgeon

Dr. Sajid Ahammed


Dr. Mathew Chettupuzha


Dr.Muhasin C Hamza


Dr.Abdul Hakkeem


Dr. Mohammed Sabin


Dr.Abdul Rahim V.K.


Dr. Vipin CK


Dr. Jithu John Jerry


Dr.Abdul Vahid

Dental Surgeon

Dr. Kavya Mohan

Lady Dental Surgeon

Adv. Thasni Hameed

Legal Advisor


Clear Aligners

Clear Aligners

Transparent trays made of special material which straighten teeth. They use gentle and constant force to move the teeth in the required position.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

If your teeth are stained, discolored, worn, chipped, broken, misaligned, misshapen, or have gaps between them, modern cosmetic dentistry can give you a better smile

Crown and Bridge

Crown and Bridge

Crown is used when a tooth is damaged or fractured, while a bridge is used when one or more than one tooth is missing.

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental implants are replacement tooth roots. Implants provide a strong foundation for fixed or removable replacement teeth.

Flap Surgery

Flap Surgery

A flap procedure cleans the roots of a tooth and repairs bone damage caused by gum disease.

Lip Pigmentation

Lip Pigmentation

This form of laser treatment deeply exfoliates the lips, which allows the pigment to be removed. This is an ultra-gentle therapy that can be used for pigment removal.

Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery

Oral surgery refers to any surgical procedure performed in or around your mouth and jaw.

Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic Treatment

Treatment for straightening or moving teeth. The long-term health of your teeth is improved by, gums and jaw joints, by spreading the biting pressure over all your teeth.

Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentists are dedicated to the oral health of children from infancy through the teen years.

Removable Denture

Removable Denture

Dentures are removable replacements for all of your upper teeth, lower teeth, or both.

Root Canal
Root Canal(Single Sitting)

Treatment for the infected pulp of a tooth for elimination of infection and the protection of the decontaminated tooth from future microbial invasion by removal of infected pulp

Tooth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

The quickest, non-invasive and affordable way to enhance a smile by having a bright white smile.

TMJ problems
TMJ problems & Sleep medicine

Dental splints can help ease muscle tension and stabilize the jaw. They do this by preventing grinding and clenching of the jaw that might be causing muscle tension and pain.

 General Dental Procedures
All General Dental Procedures
    Consultation, Scaling, Extraction, Veneers, Post & Core and all other dental services.


Perinthalmanna road, Valanchery, Vaikathur

Open Timing : 9:00AM–9:00PM

For Booking : +91-8086-888306